How many would judge me for
another failed marriage?
Guinevere’s transition and our decision to divorce kicked up huge concerns for me (okay, make that raging insecurities) regarding where I was going to live, how I would support myself on a single income, how many people would judge me for another failed marriage, and especially, fear of change and the unknown. Needless to say, I barely slept.
Guided Imagery
During intense change our minds become compulsive problem solvers. We often lay awake at night trying to envision our future and the strategies to get us there. But because we’re in a state of anxiety and confidence is low, our images are often based on the failures of the past.
The good news is that our bodies and minds respond in essentially the same way to made-up imagery as it does to real experiences. Positive, relaxing images can be an effective tool for relieving stress. A Guided imagery (a more visual form of meditation) is an amazing first step in combating depression because you don’t have to do anything. You just sit and let it happen.
WebMD writes that guided imagery is a program of directed thoughts and suggestions that guide your imagination toward a relaxed focused state. It can lower blood pressure and reduce other problems related to stress. You can also use it to help reach goals (such as losing weight or quitting smoking), manage pain, and promote healing. puts it this way:
Imagery is a window on your inner world; a way of viewing your own ideas, feelings, and interpretations…it [can be] a means of transformation and liberation from distortions in this realm that may unconsciously direct your life and shape your health.
Below are some great videos and some really cool apps for your desktop or mobile device to help you relax your way into healthy strategies for life.
Center for Mind Body Medicine:
Self-guided videos on breath, guided imagery and more.
Healthline: Best Anti-Anxiety Apps of 2106
This list of 15 apps includes guided meditations, mindfulness techniques, heart balancing with breath programs and more, using songs of nature, music for inner balance, ambient sleep patterns, rest and relaxation apps.
Mindful Muscle/ 7 Best YouTube Guided Imagery/Meditation Videos
Let me know which you like the best!
And by the way, not a single friend, family member or total stranger EVER judged me for doing what I had to do to take care of myself; in this case, leave the marriage and start a new life. Not even Guinevere.
Check out our other blogs for caring for yourself during your own time of transition under the "Self-Care" category on the home page index.