Transgender Partners Blog —

What About the Kids?

One night in early 2010, my stepmother called me. At the time, I was working on a group project on transgender people and their families for a social work class. I told her all about the project, and how I was having trouble finding any information on trans folks’ family members. There were so few resources and even fewer studies….

Getting Honest As the Ex-wife of a Transgender Woman

Getting Honest As the Ex-wife of a Transgender Woman

I don't want to lie to you anymore. To this day I’ve never watched a transgender-movie though almost everyone that learns my story tells me, “Oh, you should really watch the movie, The Danish Girl, as if I hadn’t already lived the pain. 

The Necklace

The Necklace

Just last week I put this necklace on for the first time. I cried for what seemed like days. I have no doubt that my transition would have made sense to my mother. My showing up as me would have answered all of the weird confusion between us.