What About the Kids?

One night in early 2010, my stepmother called me. At the time, I was working on a group project on transgender people and their families for a social work class. I told her all about the project, and how I was having trouble finding any information on trans folks’ family members. There were so few resources and even fewer studies….

Getting Honest As the Ex-wife of a Transgender Woman

Getting Honest As the Ex-wife of a Transgender Woman

I don't want to lie to you anymore. To this day I’ve never watched a transgender-movie though almost everyone that learns my story tells me, “Oh, you should really watch the movie, The Danish Girl, as if I hadn’t already lived the pain. 

The Necklace

The Necklace

Just last week I put this necklace on for the first time. I cried for what seemed like days. I have no doubt that my transition would have made sense to my mother. My showing up as me would have answered all of the weird confusion between us.

Caring For Yourself - Guided Imagery

Caring For Yourself - Guided Imagery

Guinevere’s transition and our decision to divorce kicked up raging insecurities for me regarding where I was going to live, how I would support myself, and how many people would judge me for another failed marriage...

National Geographic, Angels, and Me

National Geographic, Angels, and Me

I saw a young girl, seven or eight years old, playing and rolling down a grassy hill. Her obvious joy and laughter were infectious and I started smiling. Her parents were watching her and they weren’t smiling.