Maisie MacKinnon

The Sound of Identity, a Film Review

The Sound of Identity, a Film Review

Is it possible that we’ve arrived at a point in the transgender narrative when the greater interest in a transwoman’s story is her ambitions, her achievements, her talent and the contribution that her art brings to the world?

Getting Honest As the Ex-wife of a Transgender Woman

Getting Honest As the Ex-wife of a Transgender Woman

I don't want to lie to you anymore. To this day I’ve never watched a transgender-movie though almost everyone that learns my story tells me, “Oh, you should really watch the movie, The Danish Girl, as if I hadn’t already lived the pain. 

Caring For Yourself - Guided Imagery

Caring For Yourself - Guided Imagery

Guinevere’s transition and our decision to divorce kicked up raging insecurities for me regarding where I was going to live, how I would support myself, and how many people would judge me for another failed marriage...